The Outdoor Living Fair on Saturday April 12 at Central Arizona Block, was a success, and we would like to thank all who attended. Thank You!
We are proud to report that the retaining wall project is complete. This has been one of Old Pueblo's most extensive projects! This retaining wall is 9' 4" high with slump block (color is Old Pueblo) on top. We have done back fill to create a back yard for this customer, who by the way is very happy. The next phase is to include wrought iron in between the slump block columns.
This is the retaining wall project and is now at the backfill stage. More backfill still needs to be done, and then the block wall on top will be added.
Local contractors donate services, material to help wounded warrior build safe play area for his children. When workers from Central Arizona Block Company delivered materials to one of Tucson's wounded warriors, they saw this Afghanistan Army & Marine veteran could use a little help. This man's life was radically changed when he was blasted by an IED, killing a nearby soldier and severely wounding him and another enlisted soldier.
A Purple Heart recipient, his head was hit by the Humvee door causing a traumatic brain injury, as well as neck and lower back injuries and nerve damage. He has been medically retired from the military and has moved on with his family to Tucson Everyone reached out! 10 masonry companies, three redi mix companies, 1 trucking business, and a steel firm said "YES". Old Pueblo Masonry was one of those companies getting involved. Old Pueblo Masonry is proud to be a part of the "YES" , acknowledge his service, show him he has "family here" and keep his kids safe. Many thanks to ALL of the companies involved with this block wall project! These above pictures are what is call "the first lift" for the retaining wall project. This portion of the retaining wall is 4'-8" high and is constructed using 12x8x16 block |